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808Cute HONKON 808nm diodni laserski stroj za trajno odstranjevanje dlak

Kratek opis:

Serija izdelkov 808nm diodni laser
Ime modela 808 srčkan
Ročaj za zdravljenje FH-05
Energetska gostota 3-220J/cm²
Plus širina 3-300 ms
Velikost mesta 12*23 mm²
Laserski vir Moč 1200 W
Moč stroja 2200 W
Valovna dolžina 808 nm
Frekvenca 1-10
Metoda hlajenja Polprevodniško hlajenje, zračno hlajenje in vodno hlajenje
potrdilo US FDA + Med CE
Blagovna znamka HONKON
Podrobnosti o paketu 75 * 50 * 85 cm, 55 kg

Podrobnosti o izdelku

Oznake izdelkov

Teorija zdravljenja laserskega odstranjevanja dlak

Učinkovita globina penetracije 808nm diodnega laserja lahko doseže ciljno tkivo Dermalne papile.Ustrezno trajanje impulza tarče je zadostna toplotna poškodba, okoliško tkivo pa je komaj prizadeto.Zagotovite zadostno izhodno energijo, da poškodujete ciljno tkivo, normalno tkivo pa skoraj ni prizadeto.Ukrepi za zaščito kože za zagotovitev zadostne poškodbe ciljnega tkiva.Za zagotovitev varnosti zdravljenja.V načinu nizke gostote energije so se lasni mešički segreli na 75 ℃, lasni mešiček in rastne matične celice pa so bile prikrajšane za rastno aktivnost z drsnim vzdrževanjem roke za zdravljenje in lasnih mešičkov (stanje 10 Hz).
Zmogljive nadgradnje so bolj varne, hitre, neboleče, učinkovite, to je vaša najljubša naprava za odstranjevanje dlak.
Laser selektivno deluje na melanin v lasnem mešičku, ki toplo uniči zarodno regijo v lasu.
Naravno izpadanje dlak za dosego namena odstranjevanja dlak.
Spodbuja regeneracijo kolagena, zmanjša pore, hkrati naredi kožo napeto gladko.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Prikaz podrobnosti. Stroj, ročaj in zaslon

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.


Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Lastnosti in prednosti

1.Laserska moč do 1200W
808 diodni laserski kozmetični stroj, 1200 W visoka moč, ozka širina impulza, ultra-led odstranjevanje dlak, visoka hitrost in natančnost.Nemški laserski vir.Večja energija in daljša življenjska doba. (Več kot 50 milijonov posnetkov) 6 let, brez težav.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine

2. Veliko mesto, globoka penetracija
808Cute velika pika (12mm*23mm) globoka laserska penetracija zagotavlja varnejši učinek odstranjevanja dlak.Velik ročaj za odstranjevanje dlak na telesu, hitro in učinkovito,
3. Sprejemanje napredne tehnologije mikro kanalov
Stroškovno najučinkovitejša prenosna oprema za odstranjevanje dlak z mikrokanalno tehnologijo po vsem svetu izvaja neboleče odstranjevanje dlak z diodnim laserjem.
4. Prenosni Priročno
Tiny in prenosni diodni laserski odstranjevalec dlak z zmogljivo mikrokanalno tehnologijo je bolj primeren za transport in prenašanje (mobilno zdravljenje).

5. Majhna vlaknasta konica za fine lase in debele linije las in las, 360 stopinj lahko naredi vse fine lase in majhne predele ter linije las.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)

FDA, CE, certifikat, medicinski standard.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (10)

Rezultati in seje,
Diodni laser 808nm, stroj z večjo močjo.
Dobri rezultati.
Za popolno redukcijo las potrebuje 3-4 seje.
Dobre povratne informacije za zmanjšanje dlak z diodnim laserjem.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (16)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (12)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (13)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (14)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (15)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (5)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (6)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (7)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (8)

FDA, CE, certifikat, medicinski standard.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)


Honkon 808nm diodni laserski stroj, 808Cute, je diodni laser večje moči, ki lahko hitro in učinkovito odstrani dlake.Uporablja nemški laserski vir, ki lahko zagotovi višjo energijo in tudi daljšo življenjsko dobo.Z 20 letnimi izkušnjami.Honkon je dobavil več kot 5000 kompletov modela 808Cute, ki daje lepe rezultate in si pridobi dober ugled po vsem svetu.

Demo soba podružnice HONKON

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)

Ekipa za trženje in storitve HONKON OVERSEAS

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)

Ekipa za domače storitve in trženje HONKON

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